Lord Byron:

"Sorrow is knowledge, those that know the most must mourn the deepest, the tree of knowledge is not the tree of life"

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Xmas Bash Too

Patty and I applying for reindeer
Even Hans is giving it a go
But Peter wins by far...
The doggies,not amused
Ringo has an idea; why not try out some moves on his dummy,my darling Lavinya

He just couldn't get enough of her
And why not,in the meantime,hump the couch as well?!!
"That's enough young laddy!!!"
Well,Ringo was getting exhausted anyway
Lola didn't know what to make of it
Peter and Hans chilling on the 'clean' couch
Marianne looking gorgeous
And Patty pretty busy in their colorful kitchen
One of her delicious dishes
And enjoying it all

Peter is secretly head over heels with Sorcia
But that doesn't mean he abandons Ringo
Lola passed out on the couch
Lavinya welcoming Alice,who came to pick us up

Vanavond hadden Peter en Patty en hun Ringo en Lola Hans en Marianne en mij uitgenodigd voor een etentje. Het was m'n bedoeling alleen te gaan,maar door de knallen kon ik mijn honden niet alleen laten. Yvon bood aan ons te brengen en Alice haalde ons op! Echt te gek!!!! Wát een vriendinnen!!!!!
Patty had heerlijk Indisch gekookt,zalig! Maar eerst nog kon Ringo geen genoeg krijgen van Lavinya. En zij,zij vond het wel best. De momenten dat hij even moest bijkomen daagde zij hem juist weer uit. Gelukkig konden ze echt geen stap meer verzetten toen we aan tafel gingen.

This night Peter and Patty and their Ringo and Lola invited Hans and Marianne and me for dinner. It was my intention to go alone,but because of the fireworks I couldn't leave my dogs unattended. Yvon offered to bring us and Alice picked us up! So amazing!!!! Whát good friends!!!!!
Patty had prepared delicious Indonesian dishes! But first Ringo just couldn't get enough of Lavinya. And she,she was fine with it. The moment he had to catch his breath,she dared him for some more. Luckily they couldn't move a muscle when we went at the table for dinner.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Xmas Bash

The hosts Nimo and Britt
"May I,please?"
"Mmm,am I sitting on thin air now?" Alice is fine with it; well,she isn't pushed aside at least this time!!
Eric training the doggies
Aah,they're so obedient,except for Sorcia...
of course
And Britt can even roll over,or,ehr,is she playing dead?

Tweede Kerstdag waren we uitgenodigd bij Alice en Eric en hun twee gekke Herders Nimo en Britt. Britt en Lavinya zijn nog niet zo gewend aan elkaar en Britt had meteen door dat Vin tenminste reageerde op haar maffe geblaf en gepest.

The second day of Christmas we were invited at Alice's and Eric's place and their two crazy Shepherds Nimo and Britt. Britt and Lavinya aren't used to each other that much and Britt immediately found out that Vin at least reacted to her goofy barking and teasing.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Xmas Mood

Merlijn posing
Katouschka showing off in her xmas sweater
Even more

Barking mad!
Show's over,she has enough and leaves while her son Cedric is watching all this drama

Zaterdag was ik even een biertje drinken bij Beau-Chien's Karin,zonder mijn honden omdat die haar prachtige kerstdorp vast niet heel zouden laten.
Zo'n mooie boom brengt je echt in de stemming!

Saturday I went over for a beer to Beau-Chien's Karin,without my dogs 'cause they would wreck her beautiful xmas-village for sure.
Such a gorgeous tree brings you right in the mood!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Friday, December 21, 2007

Frozen Fog

Winter is here! The frozen fog reminds me of snow and yes,last night it did even snow a bit; powder snow which looks like icing sugar
"Not on the ice!"
Even the remaining waterpuddles on the fields are frozen