Lord Byron:

"Sorrow is knowledge, those that know the most must mourn the deepest, the tree of knowledge is not the tree of life"

Monday, January 5, 2015

Bailavinya Branwyne Timberley

This day I've lost my dearest Lavinya very unexpectedly

She'd only been ill for just a couple of days.
On New Years Eve she started vomiting and a few days later, Monday morning, it was obvious something was severely wrong with her.
Over at the vet clinic tests showed signs of a closed pyometra (infection of the uterus), but later that day, during surgery, it became clear she suffered from bowel cancer. It already had spread, she
couldn't be saved, so I had to let her go

Lavinya means everything to me
She is my best friend
My one true love

I can't imagine life without her, but now I'm in that horrible place, though blissfully numb...

Words can't describe the bond between us.
I am so grateful she came into my life and thankful and very fortunate for being able to share part of my life with such a grand lady

My sweet Lavinya, everyone noticed your beauty; physical as well as spiritual.
You are loved by all and you are truly missed
Life just isn't the same without you

Thank you my love for the path we have shared, side by side
one in spirit and in love


Anonymous said...

Op dit ogenblik kan ik niet zeggen hoe erg ik dit vindt.De stilte is oorverdovend en wij voelen de pijn en de kwaadheid om dit verlies ook hier met je mee. Plots stopt alles je roedel is weg.....


wolvinya said...

Dank je Ka en baasjes.
Mooi gesproken.


WolfDen said...

Kruintje...het "lelijke eendje" dat uitgroeide tot de prachtige zwaan.
Niet alleen van buiten maar ook van binnen.
Een prachthond....een vriend....een soulmate.
Een groot gemis...een diepe indruk laat ze achter....zoveel mooie momenten...dit weblog laat er zoveel van zien.
R.i.p. beautiful...we will never forget you.

wolvinya said...

Dankzij jou is ze voor eeuwig zo schitterend en true to her nature vastgelegd.
Dank daarvoor.

En jij, haar petemoei, kende haar na mij het beste.

Jouw roedel, haar roedel, waarmee ze zoveel heeft beleefd en zo van al die momenten heeft genoten, net als ik.