Sarturday, in the middle of the night, my friend Arlette and I went to the dike to go for bin bag sliding in the snow. On the way over there we 'borrowed' a sled, which didn't work out, but our bin bags and the grocery bags did. We had such fun, little kiddies that we still are Strike a pose Sphinx or sphincter? Sl@ gave birth to a huge white worm... Sl@'s angel My angel
This cold windy morning Yvon, the dogs and I went for a hike in the snow at the Haringvliet. All amazing pics are made by Yvon The dogs had fun with a piece of plastic that Amarok dug out of the snow Boink!
Meet my Gorgeous Girls and Genuine Saarlooswolfhonden Lavinya & Leilaney, Tiny yet Vigorous Chi mix Kyanu, Bold full of Stamina Chihuahua Warrior Sorcia, my Precious Maine Coon Attila, my four Stunning Maine Coons Silhouette, Zorlan, Byron & Willox, My very first and Super Sweet Lady Sheba, our Feathered Friends African Grey Kendall & the Owl, Society, Dusky Munia & Indian Silverbill Finches and experience what our life was all about
Verdriet kit al mijn krachten samen, zodat ik roerloos word als steen. Mijn hele wezen wordt materie, een ondoordringbaar star mysterie, o sla de rots, opdat ik ween.