Lord Byron:

"Sorrow is knowledge, those that know the most must mourn the deepest, the tree of knowledge is not the tree of life"

Monday, June 25, 2012

Cool Coons

Silhouette is enjoying a bit of sun

Attila is chilling under the Curly Willow

Sil is ignoring him

"Now why did she do that?"

Attila is hiding (his face) in the grass

Yeah, no one can see him...

Sweet Zorlan

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Some Tenellaplas trees I met this early morning while hiking with Yvon & the dogzzz

Monday, June 18, 2012


Attila was sitting out in the garden while it drizzled, but he didn't mind. Mind you, after a long time he came back inside and sat on my lap, cuddling while being moist to say the least

Thursday, June 14, 2012


This male Owl Finch decided to get a quiff. How cool is that?

Well, it seems like the female behind him tried to do the same but she didn't quite succeed

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


The Bumblebees were the first and are still the only guests to my butterfly feeding station and they love the sugar syrup I serve them, I keep filling the cups all day long. I even heat up the syrup (in a syringe on the top of my computer) cause they love it best that way

Drinking buddies

Suddenly this one came in looking all bleak, notice he is completely without any hair on his backside

First he was feeding

Than he searched for shelter

He tried to crawl under the crevice

He tried for a while but the crevice wasn't big enough for him

After this he first tried to crawl inside the habitat, but he failed and than he went for a corner under the bar

He sat and rested there for quite a while before flying off, I sure hope he's well and enjoying life out there

Friday, June 1, 2012

Bumblebee Diner

Yeah! My very first guest (as far as I know or ever saw) to the insect feeding station!!! A Bumblebee just before nightfall