Lord Byron:

"Sorrow is knowledge, those that know the most must mourn the deepest, the tree of knowledge is not the tree of life"

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Beach Fun by Yvon

This early morning we hit the beach again with Yvon, Mahika, Kaliska & Navaho and yeah, my girl gained some weight, but her wet coat does 'expand' her body

Little big Sorcia was grumpy about his feet getting wet.
He was getting even more grumpy when Kaliska numerously started to charge him...


WolfDen said...

Het was weer erg gezellig en de honden hadden grote pret!

wolvinya said...

Zeker! Én weer prachtige foto's van jou erbij!!!!

Altijd zó blij mee!!!!

Anonymous said...

fotos zijn echt prachtig, enne kleine sorcia, tja moet er inmiddels wel aan gewent zijn dat ie van links naar rechts gegooid wordt, net als onze storm