Lord Byron:

"Sorrow is knowledge, those that know the most must mourn the deepest, the tree of knowledge is not the tree of life"

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Today we celebrated Q-day at Rotjeknor and I tagged along with Cybersl@, Pimpelmiesje and their gang. We gathered at Q's.
And no, she is not the one mentioned in the caption.
Here you can see the boys negotiating with a salesman about some oillamp which he filled with wodka as was requested by them

And here you can see a little cool girl hitting the drums in hope to earn some money, hence the wooden shoe in front of her on the rug

Floating stuff
In the centre of town there was live music, although this band wasn't worth it (sorry guys).
Mind the bare feet of the singer!

And Sl@ and I even sandwiched LOLCATS Joop and his pokerface(!)

1 comment:

WolfDen said...

Aankomend rock ster achter de drums!
And rocking babes!