Lord Byron:

"Sorrow is knowledge, those that know the most must mourn the deepest, the tree of knowledge is not the tree of life"

Friday, August 28, 2009

Toothless Zorlan

My darling Zorlan was operated upon at the DGO clinic in Sommelsdijk by vet Patrick Kontzen because he suffers from FGSC (NL's: FGSC).
All his teeth had to be pulled out, including his fangs.
This was the first tooth that came out:
Now it all becomes a bit bloody

Many teeth are extracted already

Patrick is an excellent veterinarian who prefers cats and therefore knows very much about them

You may be surprised, but I assisted on the operation.
I sprayed water on the drill when it was used and on Zorlan's teeth, so yeah, that's my hand right there

Vet Patrick is rinsing all the blood off Zorlan after the operation is all done
Look at these guys I brought home as a remembrance of what once was; his fangs
Three of them were saved, one got busted
Aaahhh, my trophy!
Zorlan used to have 26 teeth and now he has none, just gums
Will you look at what I have to look at every day from now on! ;-}

The vet in this great clinic did an excellent job.
Zorlan had to stay the night but the next day he returned home and he is doing so well.
He immediately ate all his food, sat on my lap and endured the severe pain with some help of painkillers


iilandia said...


Zor aka Gums...get better soon.

that is some crazy shit!

Kaya-Sioux said...

AAAiiii.... en zeggen dat ik niet tegen bloed kan... arme Zorlan. Leg hem nu maar extra in de watten.

Anonymous said...

hoest nou met zorlan, al een beetje gewent aan zijn tandloos leven?????

wolvinya said...

Hij is al iets vrolijker merk ik.
Zijn eten eet hij alle tijd goed gelukkig, maar hij laat nu voor het eerst wel een restje achter.
Tja, lastig oppakken zonder tanden natuurlijk.

WolfDen said...

Je hebt je roeping gemist..lol

Fijn dat het weer zo goed gaat met het manneke...

Ennuh die ene kan echt naar LOLCATS

wolvinya said...

Ik zal Joop es inlichten...