Lord Byron:

"Sorrow is knowledge, those that know the most must mourn the deepest, the tree of knowledge is not the tree of life"

Saturday, December 12, 2009

De Staat

This evening, in spite of having a bad cold, I went with Mies & Sl@ to a concert of De Staat.
These Dutch blokes were great, their performance raw and natural
Torre, their singer, has great charisma and I love the sound of his voice so very much

Their bass player is a real busy boy, he moves around a lot

Unfortunately this girl performed 2 songs with them, she is horrible and gastly!!!!!
In my opinion it did damage to the show

Thank you Yvon for lending me your camera!!!!


WolfDen said...

You're welcome.

Glad you had a great time!

Hope you get better soon.

wolvinya said...

Thank you, het was de moeite waard!

Anonymous said...

Ya, could've done without 'Roos' as well...but damn, were they ever tight! Great sound and lighting as well



iilandia said...

indded take that chic out of the band...and the bass player can move w/me anytime....hot!!!!