Lord Byron:

"Sorrow is knowledge, those that know the most must mourn the deepest, the tree of knowledge is not the tree of life"

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Wisdom Trees

This early morning Yvon, the dogs and I went to the Quakjeswater.
I love the trees over at this area the most.
They are very special, beautifully shaped and it is not hard to capture their beauty and wisdom

The sun was shining his magic all over the forest

A pancake!
Oh no, it's just a mushroom disguised as one


WolfDen said...

Leuk hoor dat dinosaurus bot!
We worden nog wereldreizigers..lol

madcorona said...

prachtig die zon door de bomen!!

wolvinya said...

Exploring the world on our island.

De natuur, in al haar pracht en praal.