Lord Byron:

"Sorrow is knowledge, those that know the most must mourn the deepest, the tree of knowledge is not the tree of life"

Saturday, January 29, 2011

On Thin Ice

This early very cold morning Yvon and I went for a hike at the Quakjeswater. This area was a bit flooded in some spaces and unfortunately I didn't wear my boots. The ice was too thin so we couldn't walk over it, hence the balancing on big branches that were laying on the side of the flooded path. I'm not good at this!!!
Yvon's turn. She did it so much better and faster than I did
Luckily there was enough dry land, most of it actually
Remember the tree I sat on on Xmas day? Yep, same tree, without the snow


madcorona said...

hahahaha een mini dogtrail, goed blijven oefenen Elke

wolvinya said...

Nah, ik laat het aan de experts over! LOL