Lord Byron:

"Sorrow is knowledge, those that know the most must mourn the deepest, the tree of knowledge is not the tree of life"

Friday, January 25, 2013

Tooth Fairy

Leilaney's tooth was extracted today by dr. Hans Pijls from DGO who did an excellent job. She had an inflammation in the root of P4 and the tooth had to come out. All went very well and it is hard to tell she underwent anesthesia today


Kaya-Sioux said...

Oeps... mag er niet aan denken !!

wolvinya said...

Ja, eng hè, dat zoiets zomaar van de 1 op de andere dag toonde en die kies eruit moest... maar ja, alles goed gegaan.

madcorona said...

pffff zal wel stressen geweest zijn, gelukkig dat ze snel weer opknapt

wolvinya said...

Dank je, ze was direct erna weer zichzelf.