Lord Byron:

"Sorrow is knowledge, those that know the most must mourn the deepest, the tree of knowledge is not the tree of life"

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Party Cybersl@

The males; too bad Pimpelmiesje was upstairs at that time
The girls

Cybersl@je herself
Male bonding

Jeroen kissing an alien



What; salsaing men?! Great!

Bare feet do get dirty from dancing; Pimpelmiesje
But what has Sl@ been doing?!!!Gizmo: "Could these people just go home,please!!!!"
Finally some rest!

Arlette van de overkant was van de week jarig en vannacht ging ik even naar haar feestje.
Het was ontzettend gezellig en we hebben de hele nacht gedanst!!!!

Arlette from across the street had her birthday this week and last night I went over to her party.
We had great fun en we danced the night away!!!!


iilandia said...

ummm...gonna have to show this entire blog to the Sheriff. ya'll look hot!!

wolvinya said...

Well thank you darling! You flatter me!!
Wish you could have salsa'd with us. You could have taught us some!!
And of course Sheriff at your side,to keep an eye on things(!).