Lord Byron:

"Sorrow is knowledge, those that know the most must mourn the deepest, the tree of knowledge is not the tree of life"

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Other Way Round

I placed a kennel in the living room for Leilaney to hide out in if she wanted to.
She never enters it anymore, except for food and to sort out toys.

Lavinya always hated kennels, but look at her now!!!!

It's a tight fit in this tiny kennel...


iilandia said...

Lav is probably looking for some quiet from Lei.

WolfDen said...

Nou ja....en jij maar zeggen dat Lavinya er niet van houd.

Hey wat groeit die kleine zeg!!

wolvinya said...

Yes indeed, and than to think that the first time Lavinya entered the kennel for sleepy time little Leil joined her! So Lav immediately came out! Poor thing.

It's hard having a toddler around...

Ja Yvon, ik moet nu echt op zoek naar een grotere. Damn!

En die kleine pastte al na een paar dagen wel in haar veel te grote tuigje(!!!). Kun je nagaan.

Tinus said...

Ziet er inderdaad uit of ze er helemaal geen problemen meer mee heeft, integendeel zelfs! Lekker knus toch